How to Not Compulsivley Overthink Things

Stop fixating if you see these signs (i.e. notice your limits):

You can’t see your own ignorance because you are blinded by your feelings, or you havetoo little evidence to make an informed judgement.

You haven’t defined both an aim and an end to your thinking, a question and a stopping-point.

You complain to yourself, or accuse yourself, about reality and what you could have done. You want to act but feel blocked.

Quit tormenting yourself on a path with no closure. Don’t be afriad to admit your limitations. Pause the battle until you can return with reinforcements.

Regain your strength:

Emotionally Stabalize eat, rest, pray, hope

Share the burden by seeking outside help (advice, listening service).

Resolve on a provisional plan for what you still can do.
