Chrome Extension: Vimium++ & Gmail Compact

Vimium++ is a Chrome (and Firefox) extension to type navigation commands like you do in the text editor VIM.

Web browsers are the future. Software and Document Storage is moving online. Soon most Apps you run or files you read, will be via your web browser.

Vimium++ enables much better ways to interact with your web browser. Do basic things faster, do new things, and combine it with AHK scripts to automate repetitive tasks.

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AutoHotkey: Custom Hotkeys for Oldschool RTS Games

Oldschool RTS are great, but their input schemes usually aren’t. Technically you shouldn’t use these for multiplayer, to not have any unfair advantage. (Though as I saw it, if I put in the effort to learn to code AHK, and to fine-tune the script … then I should be allowed to use them when I want.)

Stronghold Crusader (download). You can also examine this code on my GitHub.

Sublime Text 3: Best Packages

Here are all the ST3 packages I use. Any time a package needs custom settings or hotkeys, I list those too.

I recommend starting with a clean build of Sublime Text 3, and installing these packages using PackageControl. Install PackageControl through the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) command Install Package Control. Then type the command Package Control: Install Package to get a list of all the available packages, type their names to find and select them.

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