Sorry the ‘3’ isn’t about confessions viz. Protestant vs. Catholic vs. Orthodox. Those are important and interesting differences to discuss (namely Filioque and Apostolic Succession), but that’s for another day, study that still lies before me.
The ‘3’ is about Christian diversityrepresentation, and (rightly) feeling wronged if you don’t fit into one of these 3 boxes.
I’m going to be deliberately negative, edgy, and opinionated. I shudder to not include lots of caveats and apologies, and not make triple-sure to preempt and diffuse any offense I might cause. You’ll see why.
“Oh wow, WOW, Elastagirl there you are … Hi, my superhero name is Voyd, I just wanna thank you for being you! I felt like an outcast, before. But now with you being you, I feel like [hug] yay me!”
The simple reading of this scene from “The Incredibles 2” (2018) is that Elastagirl, by daring to be a public (female) superhero, serves as a role-model for other young (female) superheroes, inspiring them to be themselves. Sure, it’s a kids’ movie, yay good themes about confidence, growing up, and it’s OK to be yourself. [But it needs to be taken seriously, because it has a massive audience while being very forward with its politics. For the record, overall I think the film and Voyd’s contribution are valuable and positive, though a bit cliché.]
Here’s the problem — diversity is in conflict with representation, how we talk about them doesn’t match how representation actually works. And if what we say doesn’t match what we actually believe, everyone gets mislead (including ourselves), so let’s be clear here.
Stop fixating if you see these signs (i.e. notice your limits):
You can’t see your own ignorance because you are blinded by your feelings, or you havetoo little evidence to make an informed judgement.
You haven’t defined both an aim and an end to your thinking, a question and a stopping-point.
You complain to yourself, or accuse yourself, about reality and what you could have done. You want to act but feel blocked.
Quit tormenting yourself on a path with no closure. Don’t be afriad to admit your limitations. Pause the battle until you can return with reinforcements.
Regain your strength:
Emotionally Stabalize eat, rest, pray, hope
Share the burden by seeking outside help (advice, listening service).
Resolve on a provisional plan for what you still can do.